So, these pictures are out of order due to the fact that I was still learning what order they would appear and I don't want to change the order now that they are uploaded, so please bear with me. I know this post is only what like 3 months late :-) anyway... Above is where Eli and I blew out the candle on our first birthday cake on our first birthday :-). Though, according to my Grandma Saunders, I don't get any older anymore because I'm just going to give all of my birthdays to Eli :-) Above is the attempt to get all three of us in the picture on the happy day :-). Bellow you will notice that there is a strange whole in the cake. hmm... Well, the three pictures following the whole will explain how that got there. Eli likes to smile for the camera :-) Eli is opening his presents, and you guessed, I'm wearing comfy clothes. You are allowed to wear comfy clothes whenever you want on your birthday. This is Eli's cake. I was going to make a joint cake with one lonely candle on Eli's side and lots and lots of candles on my side, but then I remembered how Eli likes his Bath so much so I made a bath tub shaped cake and the number 1 candle is supposed to be his bath toy :-)